My Favorite Festive Candles | Blogmas Day 6

December 06, 2017

I love candles! I a huge fan of vanilla. I can never pass up a vanilla candle. I love so many scents of Christmas! I have so many Christmas candles! My first advent calendar was actually from Yankee Candle! I've tried so many. Some are really terrible so today I thought I'd share my favorites.

Bath & Body Works Cinnamon Spices Vanilla

This candle smells like the Apple cake my Aunt used to make! The cinnamon is so nice! It smells quite like a baking apple pie! I love it so much!

Yankee Candle Gingerbread Maple

The name says it all it smells like gingerbread pancakes and maple syrup! But it isn't overly sweet which I love! The spice still comes through. It smells just wonderful!

Bath & Body Works Vanilla Bean Marshmallow

This is a really sweet vanilla candle! I really like it.

Bath & Body Works Vanilla Bean

I love this candle! It is less sweet than the marshmallow. It's much easier on you. The marshmallow one can give me a headache some days.

Mainstays Evergreen Spruce

This is was a $3 candle from Walmart. It is the perfect pine scent! The smell lasts surprisingly well and they burn for so long! The smell is a really nice quality, it isn't too strong but doesn't fade out either. A lot of pine scents give me a headache but this one doesn't bother me unless I already have a headache.

I just love candles! I burn them so much more around Christmas! What are some of your favorite Christmasy Candles?

Check out yesterday's Blogmas post! Or my last two attempts at Blogmas. It didn't go well. And there are more Christmasy posts too!

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm lens and edited by me in Photoshop.

**This post was not sponsored**


  1. I love scented candles. It makes the room look more beautiful. I am always looking for new aromas. Thank you for sharing. This catalog is very helpful. Keep posting.

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