Why I Use Affiliate Programs for Ads Instead of Google Adsence

September 25, 2016

Everyone wants to run ads on their blogs. There are so many options out there for running ads on your blog. There are companies like AdSense out there and now a lot of affiliate programs offer ad banners. The question is, which option is the best for you?

Most sites use AdSense. AdSense, if your aren't familiar, is a third party ad running company from Google. AdSense uses cookies to pull Ads from it's system and match them to the sites you have recently visited. 

You've probably see these ads on almost every site you visit. AdSense Ads are easy to spot. They have a little triangle symbol in the upper right corner for the ad.

A lot of people use this system as they see it as the best option since each visitor see a custom ad. I however am not a fan of AdSense, as a reader or blogger. 

How to Add the BlogLovin' Button to Your Blogger Blog

September 21, 2016

BlogLovin' is such a great way for your readers to follow you and get alerts about when you post! It's a really great platform for your reads to follow you and show support
But how can they follow you if they don't know your on the site. By adding the follow button and email signup widgets to your blog your readers can follow you and signup for email alerts without leaving your blog

If you are reading this post you probably already have your blog on BlogLovin' and are ready to add the button and/or email follow to your blog. If you aren't on BlogLovin' yet you can check out my post on how to add and claim you blog to BlogLovin' here.

Adding these gadgets is very easy. BlogLovin' makes the code for you than you just have to copy and paste it. So let's get started!

How to Add Your Blog to BlogLovin' and Claim it

What is BlogLovin' exactly? It is a social media site where you can follow your favorite blogs and see their newest posts in your feeds. You can add your blog and link it to your page and other users can follow your blog and see your post in their feeds as well as setup email alerts for your posts.

Why should you add your blog to BlogLovin? BlogLovin is a great way for your readers to "subscribe" your posts and show support by following you. Most of your favorite blogs are probably on BlogLovin. 

BlogLovin' has 8 Million Active users! That's a big base to send your posts out to. BlogLovin' puts your blog into a category and your posts can be found by any user on the site. 

BlogLovin is a great way to engage your current readers and be discovered by new readers.I have discovered so many of the blogs I read on BlogLovin' and I am always discovering knew ones.

Today I'm going to show you how to add your blog to BlogLovin' and claim it to your profile. BlogLovin' has a follow button and a BlogLovin Email subscription gadget that you can add to your blog. You can see both in my sidebar. You can check out my post on how to add them here.

How to Customize the Blogger Label Cloud - Change Font Size, Font Colors, Add Border Around Each Label

September 05, 2016

Today's tutorial is a very simple CSS code tutorial. There is very little editing to be done. There are two codes I'm going to share today. One Changes the font size and adds borders. And the other changes the colors.

I'm guessing if you are reading this tutorial you already have a label cloud widget. If you don't they are simple to add.

To Add A Label Cloud
1. Go to Dashboard>Layout>Click Add A Gadget where you'd like your cloud to go

2. Scroll down and select Labels>Choose how you'd like the labels and organized>Title it if you'd like>Then select Cloud>

3. Click save and move your cloud where you want it if necessary

Now on to customizing the Label Cloud.