Ulta & Sephora Reward Programs

April 27, 2015

Reward programs are great. A lot of stores have them. Ulta’s and Sephora’s are amazing. I love their programs.

Everyone seems to have reward programs now and you have to wonder if they are even worth signing up. I’ll tell you right now that Ulta’s and Sephora’s reward programs are worth it. They are pretty awesome.

Beauty Rules To Live By

April 22, 2015

In my beauty tips post I mentioned a few of the “beauty rules I live by.” These “rules” are things every makeup user should know and use on a daily basis. There aren’t actual rules so you don’t have to use them. But your skin, makeup, and makeup products will thank you. I use all of these every day. Well the everyday ones, some are a once a week thing. I would never recommend something I haven’t tried or don’t do myself.

Beauty Tips & Tricks

April 16, 2015

I have been playing around with makeup and beauty stuff for quite awhile now, and I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks over the past few years. I have created a list of some of the tricks I use all the time, and a few of the makeup rules I live by.

1.) Saving On High-End Makeup

My Top 10 Under $10 - Makeup Essentials

April 12, 2015

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I love all of the Top 10 Under $10 videos on YouTube. Everyone loves inexpensive makeup that is great quality. I have made my own list as I love makeup and these products are among my all time. I wanted to share them with you. These products are great for a first time makeup bag or a great addition to a growing collection. I love these products and brands. They are amazing. I’ve made the list in order of how I apply my makeup just for an extra tip. Now to the reviews.