A Blog Without a Niche | Why I Blog About Anything & Everything

June 17, 2017

When I started this blog I really only wrote about beauty. I wanted to do DIYs and lifestyle too. I decided early on that I wanted this blog to be about everything I loved. I wanted to be about my life and my loves. So that's what I decided to do this year.

A lot of people tell you your blog has to fit into 1 or 2 niches in order to be found. That if you don't focus on one thing no one will want to follow you. I guess I am focusing on one thing, me.

I want this blog to be my happy place where I can be myself and share with I love. A place where I'm free to be me because I don't always get that in the real world.

Some people might think that I'm pandering to audiences because I blog about beauty, then geeky, then lifestyle, then blogging. But I write about what I love when I want.

I lost all motivation for writing my blog in 2016 as you can see but the 34 next to the year in my archives list. I wasn't entirely writing about everything I loved. Writing nothing but beauty kind of burned me out. I had a month where I wrote blogging tutorials and I really loved it.

So last November I decided to write about everything I wanted to. I wasn't going to let the norm of one niche hold me back. I wasn't going to create a blogging tutorial blog, or geek and gaming blog. I wanted one blog. One happy place.

The simple answer to why I blog about everything is that I want to and it makes me happy. I don't care if people think I blog about it all for views or if some people don't like my geeky content.

I want to write about what I love and since making the decision to do it without letting anyone stopping me I couldn't be happier. I write a new post every other day with more motivation than I ever had when I started in 2015!

So welcome to my happy place. Read some posts, get to know me. I write about myself and everything I love so there is probably something for everyone.

Thank you for stopping by my little piece of the internet! I hope you enjoy your time here!

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon Rebel T5 with a 18-55mm Lens and edited by me in photoshop.


  1. I love this sentiment so much. I am a big believer in make your blog your happy place. I hope you're going to enjoy it much more now :)

  2. This is beautiful. It is wonderful to know there are other bloggers who don't want to fit the 1 or 2 niches scenario because I felt crazy when I didn't. Nice post. :)

  3. I follow the same thing you do! I never had a particular niche on my blog. I post exactly what I want to post about because I believe it's going to keep me interested, and if it keeps me interested, then my passion for my posts will shine through xxx

    Melina| www.ivefoundwaldo.com

  4. I lived this post! I am the estate same way on my blog to,I write about
    anything that inspires me and others my age as well :)


  5. Yes! I 100% agree with everything you've said in this post and it totally reflects what I'm trying to do on my own blog.

    One day I'll be blogging about a show on Netflix and the next I'll be sharing a healthy recipe then the next it's about my trip to the museum. I'm totally fine with that.

    Thanks for this post as it's made me feel good about the content I'm putting out on my own blog.


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