My Favorite Blogs of 2017

January 19, 2018

I really started getting into reading more blogs in 2017. I fell in love with some wonderful blogs and I wanted to share them with you today. So it's time to spread some blog love!!


Jemma's blog Dorkface is amazing! She is super talented and her blog and social medias are so bright and colorful. Jemma's Lifestyle blog Dorkface is wonderful! She writes lifestyle posts. Her blog is the first blog I started truly following. It's so bright and colorful! She writes posts about her life and her art. She also occasionally posts a beauty post.

Jemma also has a wonderfully colorful Instagram and Twitter. She has an Etsy shop where she sells adorable art and prints! I love it so much!


Alternatively Speaking 

Brit has a wonderful blog where she posts quite a bit of everything. She writes about her fur babies and her tattoos. And also writes about yummy food and geeky things! I love her Harry Potter posts!


Rhianna Olivia

I adore Rhianna's blog! She is so real! She writes about whatever she likes and shares her real honest thoughts! I love reading her posts so much! Here Fuck YouTube post was amazing!



I discovered Hayley though my RT account GirlsWhoBlog. She started tagging me and I check her out immediately. I love her blog! She posts beauty, lifestyle and travel posts. I really enjoy them! I love reading her beauty reviews and I really like all of her Disneyland Paris posts that she's done recently!


Tania Michele

I love Tania's blog! She posts lots of geek and Disney posts! I love them! She also does travel posts and some music posts as well. I really enjoy those too! I really enjoyed her recent post about Iconic Fictional Females!



Rachel's blog is my go-to for beauty posts! I love all of her posts! She writes some very lovely beauty posts. From skincare to makeup to brushes! She's 100% my go-to!


What blogs did you love in 2017? Let me know in the comments! I'm always looking for more blogs to read!

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm lens and edited by me in Photoshop.

**This post was not sponsored**


  1. Thank you so much, this is so sweet! Lately I have become more than a little addicted to Norma over at Flavour with Flair ( - she has some seriously mouth watering recipes!
    Britt |

  2. Ahh Cassie thank you so much! It made me so happy reading this. One of the best things about blogging is really enjoying writing content and receiving feedback like this!

    Looking forward to reading your content this year!

    Hayley | hayleyxmartin

  3. Thank you so much for featuring me! :) xx


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