The Versatile Blogger Award

November 14, 2017

Today I bring you another blog award. I was nominated by the lovely Hebah. You can find her blog here and her Versatile Blogger Award here. Thank you so much to Hebah for nominating me!


Bloggers nominate other bloggers who they believe deserve some recognition for their high-quality standard of writing, the uniqueness of the bloggers content, passion and love displayed throughout the website and to top it off, amazing photos!


1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog

2. Share 7 facts about yourself

3. Nominate 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award

After doing so many of these tags that ask for facts about me I may have to dig deep for some really weird facts for this one.


1. This year I've started to love unicorns, rainbows, mermaids, fairies and all things magical. I never really had a liking for them when I was younger.

2. I broke my arm when I was 13 because some kid at school pushed another kid into me and I landed on the hard concrete straight on my arm.

3. I went as a witch for Halloween 5 years in a row.

4. I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter as a kid because my mom saw a dementor and thought it was too scary for me.

5. I hate the smell of peanut butter when I'm not eating it. When I want a PB sandwich or Reese's cup I like it but when I have no taste for it I hate the smell. Same goes for Chinese food and quite a few other foods.

6. When I was a kid everything I owned was purple. I only wore shades of purple. I still love the bright and dark purples.

7. I've dyed my hair 13 times but I have never had an unnatural color. I've had pink highlights but never a full head of crazy colors. I'm about to change that and I'm so excited! 



Tania Michelle

Howling WolfHeart

Hayley Martin

Illuminated Hearts


Elle May

Dainty Alice

That was such a fun little award! Thank you for reading about this blog award! Make sure you check out Hebah and all of my nominees! This was so much fun to do! I've done quite a few blog awards in the past. You can check them out here. I love doing this type of blog post!

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Award badge created by me in Photoshop. Use permitted with link to this post.

**This post was not sponsored**

1 comment:

  1. Love these types of posts because its a create way to learn a bit about one another! I'd be afraid to count how many times I've dyed my hair hahaha - it's addicting, isn't it?
    Thanks for the nomination!
    Britt |


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