You Don't Have to Write for Free
November 30, 2017
This post was inspired by an email I received recently. It was the first real bigger brand that wanted to work with me that wasn't an Amazon seller trying to get me to buy something. I was so excited. But what they proposed for me to write was basically a copy and paste of their ad.
November 29, 2017
November has passed me by in a blur. It feels like I listen to my Christmas playlist for the first time last week. But I actually started midnight on November 1st. This month was pretty great! I got my writing mojo back! I am so happy it came back in time for Blogmas!! Which I will be in fact starting on the first!
November 26, 2017
I love bucket lists! I love to make seasonal lists to make sure I enjoy the season to the fullest! I made one this Fall and last summer. I just love bucket list! They are a great way to make sure you enjoy the season and make lasting memories!
November 23, 2017
November 21, 2017
Christmas is approaching and gift buying is in full swing. Sometimes we focus on the big gifts so much that we forget about stocking stuffers and smaller gifts. So here are some great gifts under $20!
November 19, 2017
Today I bring you the Autumn Tag! I was tagged by the lovely Emily of That Weird Girl Life! I had to jump at the chance to do this tag! I love all things Autumn! Check out Emily's tag here.
November 18, 2017
December is nearly here! Everyone is planning out Blogmas posts. Personally, I've had mine planned out since last December. I have an organization addiction. It can be hard to think of some ideas. We all get writer's block from time to time. I'm struggling to think of ideas for next year.
November 15, 2017
I usually start humming Christmas songs around June and listen to the songs by August. I managed to hold myself back from listening to my Christmas playlist until November 1st at midnight this year. Halloween was officially over and I couldn't wait anymore. I'm surprised I lasted that long! But I am making up for the lost time as I've been playing my playlist on a loop since the 1st.
November 12, 2017
As the Christmas Season nears and the gift buying begins some find themselves at loss of where to start or what to buy. Gift guides can help a little bit but they sometimes only give ideas. Sometimes gift guides link to somethings you should not buy on Amazon. Here are some of my tips to survive the gift-giving season.
November 11, 2017
I love classic red lips almost as much as I love berry lips! I love rocking bold lips and bright cherry reds are perfectly bold! Cherry lips go with everything! And now that it is getting colder and winter is coming cherry lips are coming into trend.
November 08, 2017
When I was a kid I loved writing my Christmas List! I'd start in July and my family would always say something like "isn't it too early?" or "aren't you getting ahead or yourself?" I just love Christmas. I always have.
November 06, 2017
If all of my Harry Potter posts this year haven't been proof enough I am obsessed with Harry Potter! But when it came to being sorted on Pottermore I was worried and I kept putting it off for so long. After I finally broke down and took the Pottermore quiz. I was delighted to get Slytherin. We are labeled as the bad house and the evil house but I am proud to be Slytherin.
November 04, 2017
Christmas is almost upon us. Now is the time a lot of people start thinking about gifts. Sometimes you just can't seem to think of the right gift. Today I bring you a Beauty themed gift guide with items from under $15 up to $35 for the beauty lover in your life!
November 02, 2017
I write posts on this blog about anything and everything I love. I wrote a tweet the other day that said I love lipstick & unicorns. I also love hockey and cars. Just because I'm a girl who writes about makeup that doesn't mean that's all I am. That tweet inspired me to write a post about the things I love.