The Sunshine Blogger Award

August 08, 2017

I am so excited to do the Sunshine Blogger Award! I was nominated by the lovely Britt of Alternately Speaking! I love her blog do much! Make sure you go and check it out! You can read her Sunshine Blogger Award here! Thank you for nominating me Britt!


The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers who are creative, positive and inspiring. Once nominated the blogger is required to write a post in which they:


1.Thank the blogger who nominated them and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated them.

3. Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 new questions to answer.

4. Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.


1. What do you like most about blogging?

I really love the content I'm making at the moment. I love writing and that's why I started my blog. I have loved writing since 5th grade and fell for blogging as soon as I started.

2. How did you choose your blog’s name?

Originally it was just going to be my name. It was just my name for a almost a year in. Then When I changed my online handle to my gamertag "ZombieGoddessxi" I wanted to change the blog name to match. I decided on ZombieGoddess Beauty because at the time my main focus was beauty.

3. What does ‘friendship’ mean to you?

I haven't had any close friends since grade school. I wasn't really close to any of them and I was bullied a lot. Looking back I don't think I actually had a best friend. Ok that go sad. I promise I'm perfectly ok with it. I live in a really shit town and most of the people here are addicted to drug or were having kids at 16.

I'm happy to wait to find a genuine nice kind person to be my best friend. I think friends can easily be family. I can't wait to meet my chosen family! I'm not close with my blood family and honestly I don't want to be. I'll happily wait to meet the right people.

4. If money wasn’t an option, what one thing would you buy right now without hesitation?

A huge plot of land and the materials to build a big beautiful house on it. If I ever build my dream home it will probably cost $900K to $1.2M with land and material and labor costs. I need to find an amazing paying job. haha.

5. What is your biggest fear?

It might sound arrogant but I think I'm pretty fearless. I'm dying to bungee jump and skydive and swim with sharks. I think the only thing that really scares me is losing my niece and nephew. I love them so much and would do absolutely anything to protect them.

6. What is your current favourite song?

A lot of times I don't have a favorite song I just have songs stuck in my head. Currently "You're Welcome" stick in my head and I hate it.

I am currently love the first Guardian's of the Galaxy soundtrack. And a bunch of the songs used in Suicide Squad.

7. What is the most amazing thing you have experienced while traveling?

I haven't really traveled much. I've only been to Myrtle Beach and to visit my sister in Cincinnati. I did go to the aquarium for the first time when I was visiting my sister and loved it! I wanted to swim with the sharks so bad.

As for traveling I have a huge travel bucket list. I can't wait to get started. 

8. What is your fondest childhood memory?

Laying out in my Aunt's yard in the country one a cool summer night looking up at the stars and listening to the tree frogs, crickets and whippoorwills.

9. If you had to leave right now and could only take 3 things with you to a mysterious, unknown destination, what would you bring and why?

My DSLR/My camera bag. My makeup and skincare bag.  My backpack I use as a purse since I always keep hair ties and my kindle in there and I could through my phone and charger in there.

10. What is your favourite quote?

This was hard but I think the one that I like the most right now is actually from a song

"Say what you think. Love who you love. Cause you only get so many trips round the sun. You only live once. So follow your arrow wherever it points."
-Kasey Musgraves "Follow Your Arrow"

I also really love ones about "it always gets better" and to find the positivity. I was depressed for a lot of years. So I made a choice to start living happier now that I'm better. I will push to find the positive in the situation and to not let other people ruin my day.  

11. When you aren’t blogging, what are you doing?

When I'm not blogging? Other bloggers do things other than blogging?! Haha. Jokes aside I spend most of my time working on my blogs. Sometimes I take a break and binge some Netflix or cook/bake or play video games. There just aren't enough hours in a day. I want to make more time to write my book and do more art. I love to draw and paint.


1. Sarah of SunshineSarahxo (perfect fit right?)

2. Zoe if The Looking Glass

3. Brandiann of Momma Review

4. Tori of Tori's Edit

5. Vicky of Kabuki Rune

6. Jennifer of Hey Jennifer Jones

7. Casi of Casi Yost

8. Laura of Laura Has A Blog

9. Arielle of The Little Dismaid

10. Courtney of Paperback Beaches

11. Claire of clairelouiisexo 


1.  If you could go on a trip anywhere where would you?

2. If you had to forget every series you ever read/watched but one which series would you want to remember?

3. What is your favorite hobby? (As side from blogging if you don't blog full time)

4. What is something you've always wanted to try?

5. Would you ever make blogging your job? Or have you already gone full time? If so what's it like?

6. What is your favorite guilty pleasure show? 

7. Describe yourself in 3 words or phrases.

8. What is your favorite canceled TV show? (I got this from yesterday's episode of the Jenna & Julien podcast. Thanks Jenna!)

9. Do you collect anything?

10. What is one thing your readers might not know about you?

11. What do you love most about blogging?

Thanks so much for reading about this blog award! Thanks again to Britt for nominating me! Make sure you check her out! And check out my nominees too!

I want to know your answers to my questions for my nominees! Leave your answers in the comments below!

Photo credit: Badge made by me. Please feel free to use with credit and mention that use is welcome with credit to me.


  1. Hey!!!
    Thanks so much for my nomination! Loved your answers & i look forward to answering your questions!!
    Such a great Award!
    Love Sarah xxxx

  2. Loved reading your answers! I love your choice of quote! That song is one I listen to quite often!
    Britt |

  3. Thanks so much for nominating me! I loved reading your questions and I hope you find a best friend <3! Where do you live?? I saw you traveled to Myrtle Beach - that's where I am :)! Here are my answers

    P.S. I see you're a gamer - have you ever played Skyrim?


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