The Harry Potter TAG

July 31, 2017

I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan! I watch the films at least 3 times a year and I have so many HP shirts and jumpers. I am dying to go to the Wizarding World! I need to go!

Anyway as a lover of Harry Potter I thought it would be fun to do the Harry Potter Tag today! As it is Harry Potter's 37th Birthday today. And this year marks the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book's release!

So today I've collected 18 questions that are floating around the internet. There are other HP tags floating around but I wanted to collect a bunch of the questions together.

I tag

Tania Michelle

The Howling Wolfheart

Illuminated Hearts

Alternatively Speaking

And anyone else that wants to do this tag!

Let's get started!

1. What house are you in?

I put off taking the Pottermore quiz until just recently as I knew I'd have to take it for this post. I'm happy to say I got Slytherin. I actually took the test a bunch more times to see how consentant it is. You can read all about my Pottermore results here

2. What is your patronus?

I took this test on Pottermore and got a hedgehog. Might not be the most intimidating but I like to imagine that, like Mcgonagall with her 3 cats, I have an army of hedgehogs.

3. What is your wand?

Pottermore says it's a Chestnut wood with a dragon heartstring core. 12 3/4 inches and surprisingly swishy flexibility. I was hoping for unicorn hair but dragon heartstring is cool. I love chestnut but I'm surprised that mine is so long. I'm very short and average wands are 8 inches and below.

4. What would your boggart be?

I think it would be a dementor. Reliving your worst memories while all the happiness is being sucked out of you and the world around you is freezing. Terrifying. Plus the kiss of death is horrifying.

5. What position would you play in Quidditch?

I'd like to be the Keeper or a beater. Seeker seems like fun too. I really love the idea of playing the enforcer role of the beater. And goaltending as a keeper seems really great too. I think I'd go for seeker though.

6. Would you be a pure blood, half blood or muggle-born?

I'm going to base this partially on the house I was placed in and partly on this thing I saw one that said

Muggles - people who haven't seen the movies or read the books

Muggle-borns - people who have only seen the movies

Half-bloods - people who have only read the books

Pure Bloods - people who have read the books and seen the movies

Deatheaters - Pure bloods that look down on muggle-borns.

Since I am in Slytherin I most likely won't be muggle-born as a muggle-born Slytherin is super rare. I've seen the movies a million times and I've read the series and I'm currently on my second read through so I'm going to say I'm a pureblood. But I'm definitely a Wesley not a Malfoy.

7. What job would you want after to have after graduating Hogwarts?

I'd love to work a Hogwarts or work with magical creatures. The school is so amazing I couldn't learn all of it's secrets in just 7 years so I'd love to stick around. I could work with Hagrid and have both jobs!

Although I'd also love to work with Dragons. Or maybe work in the Misuse of Magic or Accidental Magic departments of the Ministry.

8. Which of the deathly hallows would you choose?

A lot of people would probably go for the wand since it's so powerful but I'm all about that invisibility cloak.

9. Favourite book?

Either Prisoner of Azkaban or Order of the Phoenix. I'm currently re-reading the series so I'll have a better answer when I finish.

10. Least favourite book?

Goblet of Fire. It took me over 5 months to read it. Maybe I'll read it quicker this go around.

11. Favourite film?

Prisoner of Azkaban or Order of the Phoenix. It used to be Prisoner hands down as I'm a sucker for time travel but since rewatching the series more than once this month Phoenix has started to really grow on me.

12. Least favourite film?

Goblet of Fire. I really like it but I like it less than the others. I'm just not that into that one I guess. But the finale act at the grave yard is amazing and probably one of the most memorable scenes of the series for me. I just don't love the movie as a whole as much as love the others.

13. Favourite character?

Fred & George. I really wish they had been in the series more! I adored them so much!

14. Least favourite/most hated character?

Umbridge and Wormtail tie for this one. I despise them both so much and just their names make my blood boil. Also Dumbledore.

15. Favourite teacher at Hogwarts?

Mcgonagall. Enough said.

16. Least favorite teacher at Hogwarts?

I want to say Gilroy because he was useless, Umbridge because she was a bitch but also Dumbledore because he was a terrible human being.

17. Do you have any unpopular opinions about the series? 

I hate Dumbledore. I love Draco. I'm not a big fan of James. I kind of dislike him actually. I like Snape. Draco should have been in Ravenclaw. Harry and Hermione do not make more sense than Hermione and Ron. I know a lot of people would rather Harry and Hermione end up together but I don't see it. Thought I think none the the golden trio should have ended up together. I could go on. Maybe I'll make it it's own post one day.

18. If you could save one character from the finale battle who would you save?

Fred. I wish I could save so many but Fred is my one. Even JK rejects killing him.


1. What house are you in?

2. What is your patronus?

3. What is your wand?

4. What would your boggart be?

5. What position would you play in Quidditch?

6. Would you be a pure blood, half blood or muggle born?

7. What job would you want after to have after graduating Hogwarts?

8. Which of the deathly hallows would you choose?

9. Favourite book?

10. Least favourite book?

11. Favourite film?

12. Least favourite film?

13. Favourite character?

14. Least favourite/most hated character?

15. Favourite teacher at Hogwarts?

16. Least favorite teacher at Hogwarts?

17. Do you have any unpopular opinions about the series? 

18. If you could save one character from the finale battle who would you save?

I loved doing these questions! I love Harry Potter so much! I feel like everything I watch the films or read the books I discover something new! Harry Potter has one of the best online communities there is and I'm so happy to be a part of it!

Make sure to check out the wonderful ladies I've tagged! If you do this tag on your blog leave a link below! Or leave your answers to your favorite questions in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: photos taken by me with a Canon Rebel T5 camera with a 18-55mm lens and edited by me in photoshop.

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  1. OMG NO WAY IS THERE AN AWARD FOR THIS!!! I AM OBSESSED WITH Harry Potter!! I loved reading your answers!!

    Sophia xo //

  2. Oooo you know I'm not going to pass up a Harry Potter tag!!! I'm all over this!!!

  3. Hello to my fellow Slytherin classmate! I loved learning about you xxx

    Melina |

  4. Loving this tag, girl! Mine is going up this week woop woop! ^^
    xo Kitten ♥ The Howling WolfHeart


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