Beauty "Hacks" and Bad Beauty Habits to Avoid

February 09, 2018

I was inspired to write this post when I saw a bunch of beauty "hacks" and "tips" on my Pinterest feed that were honestly horrifying. So I decided to take to my blog and say what I would have thought was obvious. Don't do these things!

HACK 1: If you don't have a lash curler, heat up a spoon and pull the edge along your lashed pulling upward.

I'm sorry what? Heated metal should never be that close to your eye! Why do I have to say this? I don't care how "warm" it is.

HACK 2: Use tape to map out your wing liner.

The skin around your eye is the most sensitive part of your face and skin. Tape could not only make it red and irritated but it can also pull at your skin. Even if it doesn't leave a mark all that tugging can cause some serious wrinkles.

HACK 3: If your mascara is drying out add some contact solution to it.

A few things. 1; if your mascara is drying up it's time to toss it. Trying to make it last longer can cause bacteria problems. 2; the contact solution will make it wet again but it will make it too wet and runny. The mascara will never dry again.

This one makes my eye roll but I feel like most people wouldn't think of it the way I would.

HACK 4: Add some Nail Polish remover to that old nail polish to make it last longer.

This might work for one use, depending on the formulation of the polish. But the rest of the polish in the bottle will degrade. Think about what polish remover does. It breaks down the polish on your nail to get it off. What do you think it's gonna do to the polish in the bottle?

If you're in a pinch you can put some polish remover in and do a quick mani but it won't last as long as the polish isn't as strong now. And the bottle has to be tossed anyway. It might work once but the bottle you were hoping to save is still dead.

The other thing I want to talk about in this post is those beauty habits well all have and need to stop doing. 

Don't pump tubed products. What does pumping your mascara or concealer wand achieve? All you're doing is pumping air into your product and drying it out faster.

Don't sleep in your makeup. No matter how tired you are, get that off your face! Keep a pack of makeup wipes next to your bed so if you lay down with your face still one you can give it a quick wipe before clog you're pores and cover your bed in eyeshadow and foundation.

Don't pull your eyelid flat when applying eyeliner. It can make your liner look wonky and it is going to give you some serious eye wrinkles. Instead, take a compact mirror and hold it so you have to look down. Keep your head facing straight and look down. I found it so much easier! I apply my tightline this way too!

This isn't so much a habit but maybe something you might do unknowingly. Don't shower or put your hands in water for at least an hour after doing your nails. If you can wait longer then do. Wash your hands with cool water if you can. Hot water loosens the bond the polish has to your nail.

Have you ever heard of this crazy hacks? Are you guilty of any of these bad beauty habits? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm lens and edited by me in Photoshop.

**This post was not sponsored**


  1. I have heard about some of these hacks but never used them. The first hack is new to me though, how can someone "heat up a spoon and pull the edge along your lashed pulling upward". I am scared of just imagining doing that to my eyes! Never!

  2. Oh come on, what could go wrong when you are playing with hot metal near your eyes? Hahaha
    Britt |

  3. I used to be so bad at sleeping in my makeup! I've got better this last year or so but when I was younger I used to do it way more often than I like to admit...

    Jade xx


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