My 2020 Bucket List

January 07, 2020

It's no secret that I love bucket lists here. I currently have 8 bucket list posts on my blog. Most of the time my bucket lists are seasonal. But I decided that I want a bucket list for this year. Most of my bucket list items are things that are years off from happening. So I wanted to make a list of things that were possible to do this year. 
I just did 4 goal posts but I think this one acts as a 5th. A bucket list is just a list of long term goals right? So this is basically a list of activity goals. So here are 15 things I want to do this year!

1. Get my First Tattoo

2. Read 24 books

3. Visit NYC

4. See Starry Night

5. Go to the top of the Empire State Building

6. Finish a Bullet Journal

7. Write a Gluten-Free Cookbook (And Maybe publish it on my shop?)

8. Run a 5K (Let's be serious I'd walk it but still)

9. Meet my first love (22 and forever single.)

10. Go to the Zoo for the first time

11. Visit Canada

12. See Niagara Falls

13. Finish my Photo of the sunset everyday project

14. Visit Harry Potter World

15. Get my First MacBook

This year I want to do something I've never really gotten to do, travel! I want to read more and get a tattoo and fall in love. I want 2020 to be the best year of my life. Especially after how shitty my 2010s were.

What's on your 2020 bucket list? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm lens and edited by me in Photoshop.

**This post was not sponsored**


  1. I love this! I hope you can cross off all of these for 2020! I definitely think you should start it off with a tattoo! Go big or go home, right? ;) And Harry Potter World is AMAZING! I've only been to the one in Florida, but now I want to go to the one in LA and Japan! I'm not sure what's on my bucket list for this year. I AM going to Hawaii with my family in May, and I've always wanted to go, so I'll say that's on my bucket list! :)

    Such a fun post, and you should keep us updated when you cross something off your list!

    Emily |

    1. Hawaii is definitely a bucket list item! It's on my 35 before 35 list! The Florida HP world is where I'll be headed if I get to go. Fingers crossed!


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