Back to Hogwarts Harry Potter Tag

January 10, 2020

I was so excited when I got the Twitter notification that Emily has tagged me in a Harry Potter themed post! I love a good Harry Potter questionnaire! You can read her post here. I think I might end up having a Harry Potter marathon after writing this. Or listing to the audiobooks again. Even tho I just watched the films over Christmas.
I've done quite a few HP tags and even written one of them. But I'm excited to do this tag. I glanced over the questions and they are different than others I've done. Very exciting! So let's jump back into the world of Harry Potter! It's been a while since we've done that around here.

1. Have to go shopping in Diagon Alley! What store do you go to first?

Oh, this is a good one! The real-life witch in me says Slug and Jigger's Apothecary. I can imagine all day buying herbs and exotic plants for potions and spells.

2. You’re on the train! What are you getting from the trolley?

It's a Honeydukes Trolley, right? Am I boring if I just say chocolate frogs? It's not American chocolate so it has to be good and I'm a sucker for collectables.

3. It’s time for the welcome feast! Which house table are you at?

I'm a Slytherin. I'd like to think I'd find a group of nice Slytherin friends to set with. Not all of us are Death Eaters. Some of us are part of Dumbledore's Army.

4. You get an elective this year! What will it be?

Well, I've had a look at the Harry Potter Wiki and Eather Magic sounds amazing! I love the idea of elemental magic! Also, I'd love to know the difference between Art and Muggle Art. Is Art where they teach you how to paint moving paintings? Either way, I'm interested in both!

5. You’ve got a break between classes! What will you be doing?

If the snow hasn't hit yet I'll be catching some sun by the Lake. If the snow has hit I'll probably be in the great hall grabbing a hot chocolate or tea or coffee with friends.

6. You get to go to Hogsmeade this year! Where do you go first?

Oh, definitely Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop. I'm a stationery addict. I'd also love to take lots of photos of The Shrieking Shack!

7. You’re meeting up with friends to hang out! Where in the castle are you all going to chill?

Well if we are a mix of houses I'd say the great hall. Let's grab some snacks! Or the astronomy tower to watch the night sky. The lake is also a great choice.

8. The end of year exams are coming up. What test will you do the best at?

Potions probably. I am a Kitchen Witch after all. Maybe Herbology too. I love plants!! Magical ones would make it even better!


1. Have to go shopping in Diagon Alley! What store do you go to first?

2. You’re on the train! What are you getting from the trolley?

3. It’s time for the welcome feast! Which house table are you at?

4. You get an elective this year! What will it be?

5. You’ve got a break between classes! What will you be doing?

6. You get to go to Hogsmeade this year! Where do you go first?

7. You’re meeting up with friends to hang out! Where in the castle are you all going to chill?

8. The end of year exams are coming up. What test will you do the best at?

That was so fun! Thank you, Emily, so much for tagging me!!! If you do this tag link it in the comments so I can read it! 

What would be your meet up spot for your friends at Hogwarts? Let me know in the comments!


Britt (Of course, My Slytherin Sister)




Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm lens and edited by me in Photoshop.

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  1. This was so much fun to read! I loved that you looked at the Harry Potter Wiki because I did that too when I was answering the questions! :D And I never thought about learning how to paint the wizarding art! Are the paints enchanted? Or do you put a spell on the painting after you're done! These are questions that must be answered in the class! And as a Ravenclaw, I totally understand the Slytherin stereotype. I feel like once Luna was introduced, we all realized that Ravenclaws aren't just bookish and stuck up! And you're the least likely to be a Death Eater person that I know!

    I loved reading all of your answers because they were all so YOU if you were at Hogwarts! Thanks for the doing the tag!!

    Emily |

    1. Aww thanks! I would definitely tell Voldy where he could stick his wand. I feel like all 3 houses are kind of stereotyped and picked on. "Gryffindor or brust!" It's sort of romanticized because it was Harry's house. But our houses are great too!


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