In August 2017 I wrote a bucket list post containing the top 35 things I wanted to do before I turned 35. Almost 2 years later and I'm quite a different person. My top bucket list items have changed a bit. I'm more passionate about the things on my list now. It's not just stuff I thought were cool experiences now, but things that connect to my passions. So I wanted to share my updated list today.
1. See Starry Night
I've always loved Van Gogh. Starry Night is my favourite painting. Getting more into physical art this year has made me want to go to an art museum and just take in the art. Preferable starting with the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.
2. Visit Cork County Ireland
My family was originally Ireland and the one we know most about was from Cork County and I'd love to visit my homeland.
3. Make a living from my Art
I'd love to become a professional artist, supporting myself on Prints and commissions.
4. Finish my first book
I need to go to a cabin in the woods with no internet so I'm forced to finish the damn thing. I love the characters and the story but when I set down to write it just seems like a daunting task. Maybe now that I'm getting my writing mojo back I can start on it again.
5. Launch my own Makeup Line
I've been dreaming of making my own firey and berry shadow palettes and my own red lipsticks for years!
6. Live in Seattle
It looks like such a gorgeous place. I don't want to live in the USA forever but I'd love to live in Seattle for a few years.
7. Move to the UK or Canada forever
I used to be all in for the UK but I've really been liking the idea of Canda recently. Maybe I could move to Seattle for a few years then migrate north to Vancouver. The UK is still definitely on the table though.
8. Build my Dream home
Whether it ends up being the UK or Canada I have a dream home and I'm determined to build it one day.
9. Get my degree
I start a diploma program in February. So 2 years from now I have to choose what I want to go to Uni for. I don't know what yet but I know I want a damn degree. Business, beauty, graphics, art. The list goes on.
10. Learn Japanese
I haven't really done anything with this one since writing that last post. I'm going to start a Duolingo corse and get on it.
11. Visit Japan
I desperately want to see Tokyo!
12. Visit all 50 states of the USA (10/50)
13. Visit all the places on my Travel Bucket List
14. Finish my Sites to see list
This includes the Pyramids of Eygpt, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Notre Dame, Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum, Big Ben, and so many more! I'm going to write a post dedicated to these soon!
15. See the Grand Canyon
16. Drive all of Route 66
It seems like such a beautiful and historical trip.
17. Swim in all 5 Oceans (1/5)
18. Swim with Sharks
19. Go Cliffdiving
20. Go Rock Climbing
21. Visit an Animal Sanctuary
22. Go Whale Watching
23. See the Northen Lights
24. Walk in the Red Woods of California
25. Walk in the Black Forest of Germany
26. Road Trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific
27. Road Trip around the UK/Europe
28. Ride in a hot air balloon
29. Get a tattoo
30. Run/Walk a 5K
31. Visit Disneyland and Disney World and Epcot
32. Visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
33. Go Deep Sea Diving
34. Write a GF Cookbook
35. Go Skydiving and Bungee Jumping
Items with
I can't wait to cross things off of this list! What are some of the things on your bucket list? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below.
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