Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time | Blogmas 2018

December 19, 2018

It's Christmas time again and I still can't believe that I did all 25 days of Blogmas last year. It gave me quite the blogger block for all of this year. I've struggled this year with a balance of blogging and Etsy work and me time. So that's why I've decided to take it easy and enjoy my Christmas season. I might do one or 2 posts in addition to this one but I'm going to take it easy until 2019. So I thought I'd do a little Christmasy diary post/storytime. Just talking about what I've been up to.

I put up my Christmas tree and absolutely love it this year! Salem has too. I'm having so much trouble keeping him out of it. It was a keep $20 tree so it can't really hold him up so I'm worried he's going to bend the branches or knock it over. The tree is up in my room so I'm been sleeping on the couch because Salem will not sleep if he can get to the tree.

But anyway here's my beautiful tree. And a photo of me and Salem I managed to get before he jumped into the tree.

I also, in my basic bitch aesthetic, had to get a Starbucks holiday drink. The Snickerdoodle Hot Chocolate is amazing BTW. It's made with white chocolate mocha sauce and cinnamon syrup. It's so damn good! And look how cute this cup is! I'm going to make an ornament with it.

I've also been playing with Christmas nails this month. I got the China Glaze Resting Grinch Face set and have been playing with them since November. I love the colours but it does not stay very long. But it looks good while it's in place.

I've been working on stuff for my Etsy shop a lot this year. I just added a bunch of pre-made headers and logos. Etsy really took a front seat this year and I want to balance it more in 2019. I miss blogging and the feeling I get when I upload a new post. I'm looking forward to working on that the most next year.

But right now I'm focusing on enjoying my Christmas time. I've been watching lots of Christmas films and Xmas specials from my favourite TV shows. I've been making cinnamon drinks and eating Christmasy treats.

I'm putting the tree up in the living room this week. Fingers crossed that the cat doesn't do too much damage. Then it's time to wrap and I'm dreading it. I always have to do all the wrapping. But I'm excited to see all the pretty wrappings under the tree. I have 3 different kinds of candy cane wrapping paper. 

I'm going to go make a cinnamon hot chocolate and turn on Home Alone. What are you doing this year to make the most of your Christmas?

My blog has been lacking this year. Check out Blogmas from last year where I actually did the 25 days of Blogmas. It's far more entertaining. 

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm lens and edited by me in Photoshop.

**This post was not sponsored**

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