Recent Favourites | April, May + June | Monthly Favourites 2018
June 30, 2018
It has been quite a hot minute since I sat down to write a favourites post. Which is why this shall be favourites from the last 3 months. So brew a cup of tea and settle in for this one because there are a lot of things included this go around. I'm going to keep the same flowing format I've been using for favourites this year because I like it a lot better than the list format I've been doing for the last 3 years.
June 29, 2018
I’ve always been an introvert, a loner. I’ve always liked being alone. Doing things my way, myself. I’ve always hated being out in public. Having to talk to people. Whether it was ordering food or checking out at the store I hate interacting with strangers since I was a kid.
June 28, 2018
You were the Doctor who made me truly fall in love with Time Lords. 9 introduced me to your world and you showed me more than I could have hoped for.
e.l.f. Cosmetics Mad for Matte Summer Breeze Palette VS Smashbox CoverShot: Ablaze Palette | Product VS
June 17, 2018
In April I did a post about the new Elf Chromatic Palette being a possible dupe for the Smashbox Ablaze palette. In that post, I realized a possible better dupe would be the Elf Mad for Matte 2 palette. Also, know a summer breeze it is a warm palette with super pretty autumn vibes. So today, as promised at the end of the last Elf vs Smashbox post today I'm going to put these two against each other.
June 11, 2018
I have kind of fallen off the face of the internet recently. My body and mind made me take a much-needed break. I became overwhelmed and really tired. Even the most mundane tasks like making myself something to eat or simply getting up to walk to the bathroom made my eyes heavy.