A-Z of my Favorite TV Shows

May 05, 2018

I've done two of these posts now and I absolutely love them! They are so much fun! It's amazing how challenging some letters can be. X and Q are definitely the hardest. But that's half the fun! I'm going to do a max of 4 shows for each letter and a * will follow my absolute faves.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

American Horror Story

Adventure Time

Attack on Titan


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Criminal Minds*

Doctor Who**

(E) Star Trek

Family Guy

Gravity Falls

Game of Thrones**

Grey's Anatomy

How I Met Your Mother


Jessica Jones

(K) South Park*

Lost in Space (The Netflix one)*

Modern Family

(N) Brooklyn Nine-Nine*

Orange is the New Black

Parks and Rec*

Pretty Little Liars

Quantum Leep

Rick and Morty**


Stranger Things**



The Orville*

(U) Once Upon A Time

Vampire Diaries

Walking Dead*


(YSons of Anarchy*

Z Nation (This is a great "stupid" show. Plus if I didn't include it I'd have nothing for Z)

That was the hardest yet! I'm a little upset I didn't have shows that started with certain letters and had to settle for a letter in the title.

It was still really fun! What are some of your favorite TV Shows? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a like if you did, it's much appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me or leave them in the comments below. 

Photo Credit: Photo taken by me with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with an 18-55mm lens and edited by me in Photoshop.

**This post was not sponsored**


  1. I loved this post. It reminded me of shows I love and haven't watched in a while! PS Sons of Anarchy totally counts haha!

    Jaynie Shannon | Beauty, Lifestyle & Parenting xx


  2. I'm glad Dr.Who made the list.


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