Confessions of A Makeup Addict
May 21, 2018
I'll admit it, I'm addicted to makeup. I mean you have to be a little addicted to makeup to write about it on a weekly basis right? Well, I'm in far too deep. I catch myself saying things that sound legitimately crazy... So I thought why not share them here with you guys to make my insanity feel a little saner.
May 17, 2018
I finally caved and decided to try audiobooks. I love books. Holding them, turning the pages, feeling the pages. The lines paperback spines get. The smell of books! I love the physicality of books. However, I haven't picked up a book to read in ages. I never have time. I love discovering new stories and falling into new worlds. I miss books.
May 13, 2018
I was so excited when Old English Company contacted me! They make lapel pins and patches, prints, mugs, kitchen accessories, homeware accessories, keychains, and more! I was most excited for the lapel pins. I love pins so much!
May 09, 2018
I love the idea of the Anti-haul posts. There are products for all of us out there that we would never want. It's so interesting to see what people include in posts like these. I've already done one of these in the past and I've finally gotten a long enough list to make another!
May 05, 2018
I've done two of these posts now and I absolutely love them! They are so much fun! It's amazing how challenging some letters can be. X and Q are definitely the hardest. But that's half the fun! I'm going to do a max of 4 shows for each letter and a * will follow my absolute faves.
May 01, 2018
I've always felt like I related to kids older than me. I always wanted to hang out with my sister and our cousins her age who are 10 years older than me. I never liked playing with cousins my age and I never really had any friends my age.