Cutex Advanced Revival Nail Polish Remover Pads | Review
March 09, 2016
March 06, 2016
I just uploaded an unboxing of my first VoxBox from Influenster that may leave you with a few questions about Influenster.
In this post I'm going to explain what Influenster is, how it works, how you sign up, what a VoxBox is and what you can do to increase your chances of getting a box full of free goodies.
So let's get started shall we.
Influenster #GlamVoxBox - Unboxing
I was so excited to receive my first VoxBox from Influenster! Influenster is a company that sends bloggers and YouTubers products to test and try. I did a whole post on Influenster and how the program works that you can find here.
A VoxBox is what Influenster calls the box of goodies they send out. The all have something added to the name. This is the

Here are the goodies in my box:
March 03, 2016
It’s time again for monthly favorites! I can’t
believe it’s March already! February went but so fast. I’m so glad it’s finally
getting warmer. On some days anyway, one day it’s 55 the next it’s 20.
I’m so happy the days are finally getting
long too. Sunsets are my favorite thing to take photos of and when it gets dark
at 4:30 I can never catch the sunset. I was able to get some beautiful sunset
shots in late February.
So let’s
get into my favorite things from this month.