Hello there! Welcome to my little piece of the internet that I like to call ZombieGoddess Beauty. I started this little blog in April of 2015. I got inspired by bloggers/YouTubers Zoella (Zoe Sugg) and Tanya Burr and a few others. I wanted to share my love for beauty so I decided to start a blog.
I wanted to share what I love and the first thing I wanted to share was the makeup products I was using every day and loved. So I wrote my first ever blog post "My Top 10 Under $10 - Makeup Essentials"
Since then I've done quite a few Top 10 Under $10 posts as well as many others. I started out just doing beauty post but I wanted to start a blog to share want I love. I want to write about beauty, DIYs, recipes, my favourite things, nerdy things, video games, and all the things I love and want to write about.
So that's what I do. I write about anything and everything. My blog mostly revolves around posts about makeup and other beauty topics but I also write about whatever I like.
I write about my life and beauty is a big part of it but so is nerd and geek culture. So are DIYs and recipes because I love to make things and I love to cook and bake. I also love to write and design my blog and that's why you make see a lot of blogging tutorials here as well.

Hello everyone! My name is Cassie. I’m 19 years old. I love to write and create. I love trying new products & sharing my love of makeup with the world. I love playing video games, mostly story driven games. I love to bake and cook. And I love making DIYs I see online.
I started really getting into makeup when I was 15. I decided to start this blog not long after my 16 birthday. I really love writing and makeup so I decided to bring them together here. I got inspiration from ladies wonderful like Zoella, Tanya Burr, and Fleur DeForce.
In case you can't tell by my posts I am addicted to lip products. I just really love them. They are the one makeup product I can't say no to. If I find a lip product on sale or just see a new look that looks great I just can't say no.
I'm a huge geeky nerd. I love all things Sci-fi and fantasy. I'm a huge gamer. I love story driven games. Anything with a good story can get me hooked. Some of my geeky loves include Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Attack on Titan, Star Trek, Star Wars, Harley Quinn and The Joker, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Supernatural, Sherlock, The Walking Dead, Death Note, and so much more.
Since I have a grand total of 2 photos of me on this blog here is a collection of some of my favorite photos of me. These are all on my Instagram.
I also love photography! I started when my dad got me a DSLR for Christmas and fell in love! Nature is my favorite subject. I take all the photos from my blog and I love it.
I have spent hours and hours taking photos. I've gone on long hikes just to take photos. I love nature and photography. You can see some of my photos and read a little more about my photography here.
This is one of my favorites shots that I have taken. It was at the Newport Aquarium in Newport KY/Cincinnati OH on their 75ft Shark Bridge. You walk 75ft over the shark tank!You can see more on the page linked above!
If you'd like to get to know me a little better you can check some posts about me here.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy your time here at ZombieGoddess Beauty! I like to think there is a little something here for everyone. If you like beauty or creating things or if you are a nerdy geek like me I'm sure there is something here for you to check out.